INT. CLASSROOM FRONT OL - DAY with CLASSROOM 1 at layer 1 with CLASSROOMFRONT 10 at layer 10 with CLASSROOMFRONT 20 at layer 20 with CLASSROOMFRONT 30 at layer 30 with CLASSROOMFRONT 40 at layer 40 with CLASSROOMFRONT 50 at layer 50 with CLASSROOMFRONT 60 at layer 60 with CLASSROOMFRONT 70 at layer 70 with CLASSROOMFRONT 80 at layer 80
#Layer 10-19
@FELICIA spot 0.366 226 581 in zone 1 at layer 11 AND FELICIA faces right AND FELICIA starts selfie
@PATI spot 0.366 297 581 in zone 1 at layer 12 AND PATI faces left AND PATI starts idle_read_phone_neutral
@KATI spot 0.366 126 576 in zone 2 at layer 13 AND KATI faces left AND KATI starts talk_phone_surprised_loop
@MICHA spot 0.372 236 580 in zone 2 at layer 14 AND MICHA faces right AND MICHA starts think
@COLIN spot 0.372 40 572 in zone 3 at layer 15 AND COLIN faces right AND COLIN starts listen_phone_neutral_loop
@TANO spot 0.372 129 572 in zone 3 at layer 16 AND TANO faces left AND TANO starts idle_read_book
#Layer 20-29
@ELLI spot 0.468 255 513 in zone 1 at layer 21 AND ELLI faces right AND ELLI starts idle_rear
#Layer 30-39
@GINA spot 0.460 394 506 in zone 1 at layer 32 AND GINA faces right AND GINA starts blush
@JOHN spot 0.551 -8 462 in zone 3 at layer 33 AND JOHN faces left AND JOHN starts kiss_blow
@VINCE spot 0.551 135 463 in zone 3 at layer 34 AND VINCE faces left AND VINCE starts think
#Layer 50-59
@JUNE spot 0.620 130 389 in zone 1 at layer 51 AND JUNE faces right AND JUNE starts think
@SEMI spot 0.620 308 389 in zone 1 at layer 52 AND SEMI faces left AND SEMI starts text_phone_neutral_loop
@NAID spot 0.626 675 389 in zone 1 at layer 53 AND NAID faces right AND NAID starts listen
@LEE spot 0.626 836 389 in zone 1 at layer 54 AND LEE faces left AND LEE starts talk_arms_crossed_loop
#Layer 70-79
@NORA spot 0.855 59 187 in zone 1 at layer 71 AND NORA faces right AND NORA starts listen_gossip
@ASHLEY spot 0.842 286 203 in zone 1 at layer 72 AND ASHLEY faces left AND ASHLEY starts talk_exclaim_yes
@PAULINA spot 0.855 745 185 in zone 1 at layer 73 AND PAULINA faces right AND PAULINA starts yawn_bored
@NINA spot 0.855 297 191 in zone 3 at layer 74 AND NINA faces left AND NINA starts primp_condescend
Example by Vias vitae