

EXT. LIGHTNINGREV - NIGHT with THUNDERLOOP to 1 0 0 in zone 1 at layer 0 with CAR ANGLE SILVER to 0.208 -180 9 in zone 1 at layer 10

&overlay THUNDERLOOP shifts to -597 0 in 20 THEN overlay THUNDERLOOP shifts to 0 0 in 0 loop INFINITE times
@zoom on 0 20 to 197% in 0

music ambient_thunderstorm_lp
volume music 100 3000
&zoom on 0 20 to 241% in 14
@transition fade in black in 3

readerMessage Credit | bold |@viasvitae

sound thunderclap2
@transition fade in white in 0.2
@transition fade in white in 0.1
@transition fade in white in 0.2
@pause for a beat
sound thunderclap
@transition fade in white in 1

@overlay CAR ANGLE SILVER shifts to -42 9 in 3

sound thunderclap2
@transition fade in white in 0.2
@transition fade in white in 0.1
@transition fade in white in 0.2
@pause for a beat
sound thunderclap
@transition fade in white in 1
@pause for 2
sound thunderclap2
@transition fade in white in 0.2
@transition fade in white in 0.1
@transition fade in white in 0.2
@transition fade in white in 1

volume music 0 3000
&overlay CAR ANGLE SILVER shifts to -6 6 in 3
&zoom on 46 10 to 559% in 3
@transition fade out black in 3

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